

홈 • Bulletin Board •

제목 2013년 1호
작성자 관리자 등록일시 2019-07-04 16:35:45

Post date: 02-Jun-2014 09:05:36


KrAIS Korean Chapter of Association for Information Systems Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 1


2013 2 7 일 발행


이병태 (KAIST), 유영진 (Temple Univ.), Co-Chairs, 방민석 (George Mason Univ.), Newsletter Editor



회장: 이병태 (KAIST), 유영진 (Temple Univ.)

총무: 이동원 (고려대), 김단종 (Univ. of North Texas)

회계: 이상용 (한양대)

Communication: 방민석 (George Mason Univ.)

AIS Liaison: 고동길 (Univ. of Cincinnati)

Members-at-Large : 김동민 (Univ. of New Brunswick), 양경훈 (Univ. of Wisconsin, La Crosse), 구자현 (Florida Atlantic Univ.), 김용진 (서강대), 박영기 (Univ. of Akron), 김용석 (HKUST), 권영옥 (숙명여대), 장영봉 (성균관대)


승진/이동/수상 소식


연세대학교 정보대학원의 김희웅 교수님께서 언더우드 특훈교수에 선정되셨습니다. 축하드립니다. http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/society/2013/01/07/0706000000AKR20130107108300004.HTML 

오원석 교수님께서 올해 1월 부터 KAIST 경영대학에서 근무를 시작하셨습니다.

캐나다 Bishop Univ.의 이경영 교수님께서 작년 12월 학위논문 심사를 마치시고, Spring 2013부터 Tenure-Track 신임 조교수로 근무를 시작하셨습니다.

지난 201212월 올랜도에서 열린 ICIS에서 Emory Univ. 박사과정에 계시는 하혜영씨의 논문이 Best Paper Runner-Up에 선정되었습니다. 아울러, Temple Univ.의 유영진교수님의 논문이 Best Research-in-Progress Paper, 싱가포르 국립대학(NUS)의 김승현 교수님의 논문이 Best Research-in-Progress Paper Runner-Up에 선정되었습니다. 축하드립니다. http://icis2012.aisnet.org/Files/ICIS%202012%20Award%20Recipients.pdf


o A Multi-level Analysis of the Impact of Health Information Technology on Hospital Performance, Hyeyoung Hah and Anandhi Bharadwaj, Emory University


o Generative Diffusion of Innovations: An Organizational Genetics Approach, Zhewei Zhang, Rob Kulathinal, Sunil Wattal, and Youngjin Yoo, Temple University


o Do Hackers Seek Variety? An Empirical Analysis of Website Defacements, Kok Wei Ooi, Seung Hyun Kim, National University of Singapore, Qiu-Hong Wang, Kai-Lung Hui, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology



Univ. of North Texas의 김단종 교수님께서National Science Foundation (NSF) CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service (SFS) Grant를 받으셨습니다. 아울러 또한Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence Award for 2012를 수상하셨습니다. 축하드립니다.

o National Science Foundation (NSF) CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service (SFS) grant. A multi-year federal grant to establish an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program between the College of Business, College of Engineering, and College of Information.


o Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence Award for 2012 from “A trust-based consumer decision-making model in electronic commerce: the role of trust, perceived risk, and their antecedents” Decision Support System, 2008. Given to only 50 articles chosen from among the top 300 management journals in the world.



Temple Univ.의 유영진 교수님께서 다음 두 GrantPrincipal Investigator로 선정되셨습니다. 축하드립니다.

o "Digital Urban Leadership and Civic Start-up Program", funded by John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, $635,400.


o "Designing 21st Century Organizations for Generativity: An Organizational Genetics Approach", funded by CIGREF, France, $92,550.




Call for Paper



PACIS 2013: Extension of Submission Deadline


The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2013, Jeju Island, Korea, June 18-22 2013, www.pacis2013.org


We have received many requests to extend the submission deadline for papers for PACIS 2013. We therefore decide to extend the deadline to submit papers by two weeks. We look forward to receive your paper by no later than February 16, 2013. Please make sure that you submit your paper(s) by this new deadline.


High quality and relevant papers from PACIS 2013 will be fast-tracked to the Special Issue of several journals, including Information and Management, Journal of Global Information Management, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Information Systems Frontiers, and Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems.


Important Dates


Paper Submission Deadline: February 1, 2013; February 16, 2013


DC Nomination Deadline: March 15, 2013;


Paper Decision: April 1, 2013;


DC Decision: April 15, 2013;


Submission Deadline of Accepted Papers: May 1, 2013



The conference is supported by the Association for Information Systems and hosted by the Korea Society of Management Information Systems (KMIS), which is the largest IS professional institute in Korea.


For more information, please visit the conference website (www.pacis2013.org) or contact program chairs:


Prof. Jae-Nam Lee, Korea University Business School, isjnlee@korea.ac.kr


Prof. Ji-Ye Mao, Renmin University of China, jiyemao@yahoo.com


Prof. James Thong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, jthong@ust.hk



Call For Papers AMCIS 2013


We invite the submission of manuscripts to the 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013), which will be held on August 15-17, 2013 in Chicago. AMCIS 2013 brings together academics and industry professionals around the world to exchange knowledge related to the AMCIS 2013 theme, Hyperconnected World: Anything Anywhere Anytime.


To submit a paper, please follow the directions below:


Submit your paper after January 4, 2013 via Bepress. The link will be available at http://amcis2013.aisnet.org/ on January 4, 2013. Submissions will close on February 22, 2013 at 11:59 CST.


Visit the AMCIS 2013 website (http://amcis2013.aisnet.org/) for a complete list of tracks and minitracks that are available. Determine the proper minitrack for your submission prior to submission.


Papers will be peer-reviewed using a double-blind system. You will receive notification by April 22, 2013 whether or not your paper is accepted. If your paper is accepted, please follow the guidelines for camera-ready copy and submit the camera-ready copy by May 9, 2013. If you have any questions, please send an email to: amcis2013@aisnet.org


We look forward to receiving your manuscripts.



Program Co-Chairs:


Yujong Hwang (황유종), DePaul University


J.P. Shim (심정필), Georgia State University


Stacie Petter, University of Nebraska at Omaha



Job Posting/Announcements


George Mason University, Information Systems Term Assistant/Associate Professor Position (Non-Tenure Teaching Track), 자세한 사항은https://jobs.gmu.edu/postings/29551을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


논문 출간 소식


지난 2012년 한해동안 ISR, MISQ, JMIS에 출간된 KrAIS 회원 여러분들의 논문입니다.



Arun Rai, Paul A. Pavlou, Ghiyoung Im, and Steve Du. 2012. "Interfirm IT Capability Profiles and Communications for Cocreating Relational Value: Evidence from the Logistics Industry." MIS Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 1: 233-A5.

Kunsoo Han, Wonseok Oh, Kun Shin Im, Hyelim Oh, Alain Pinsonneault, and Ray M. Chang. 2012. "Value Cocreation and Wealth Spillover in Open Innovation Alliances." MIS Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 1: 291-316

Young Bong Chang and Vijay Gurbaxani. 2012. "Information Technology Outsourcing, Knowledge Transfer, and Firm Productivity: An Empirical Analysis." MIS Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 4: 1043-1063.

Sung-Hyuk Park, Soon-Young Huh, Wonseok Oh, and Sang Pil Han. 2012. "A Social Network-Based Inference Model for Validating Customer Profile Data." MIS Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 4: 1217-1237.

Anjana Susarla, Jeong-Ha Oh, and Yong Tan. 2012. "Social Networks and the Diffusion of User-Generated Content: Evidence from YouTube." Information Systems Research, vol. 23, no. 1: 23-4.

Bin Gu, Jaehong Park, and Prabhudev Konana. 2012. "The Impact of External Word-of-Mouth Sources on Retailer Sales of High-Involvement Products." Information Systems Research, vol. 23, no. 1: 182-196.

Sora Kang, Kai H. Lim, Min Soo Kim, and Hee-Dong Yang. 2012. "A Multilevel Analysis of the Effect of Group Appropriation on Collaborative Technologies Use and Performance." Information Systems Research, vol. 23, no. 1: 214-230.

Nicholas Berente and Youngjin Yoo. 2012. "Institutional Contradictions and Loose Coupling: Postimplementation of NASA's Enterprise Information System." Information Systems Research, vol. 23, no. 2: 376-396.

Young Bong Chang and Vijay Gurbaxani. 2012. "The Impact of IT-Related Spillovers on Long-Run Productivity: An Empirical Analysis." Information Systems Research, vol. 23, no. 3: 868-886.

Carol Hsu, Jae-Nam Lee, and Detmar W. Straub. 2012. "Institutional Influences on Information Systems Security Innovations." Information Systems Research, vol. 23, no. 3: 918-939.

Sung-Byung Yang, Jee-Hae Lim, Wonseok Oh, Animesh Animesh, and Alain Pinsonneault. 2012. "Using Real Options to Investigate the Market Value of Virtual World Businesses." Information Systems Research, vol.23, no. 3: 1011-1029.

Hee-Woong Kim, Chan Hock Chuan, and Atreyi Kankanhalli. 2012. "What Motivates People to Purchase Digital Items on Virtual Community Websites? The Desire for Online Self-Presentation." Information Systems Research, vol. 23, no. 4: 1232-1245.

Min-Seok Pang and Hila Etzion. 2012. "Analyzing Pricing Strategies for Online Services with Network Effects." Information Systems Research, vol. 23, no. 4: 1364-1377.

Jee-Hae Lim, Theophanis C. Stratopoulos, and Tony S. Wirjanto. 2011-2012. "Path Dependence of Dynamic Information Technology Capability: An Empirical Investigation." Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 28, no. 3: 45-84.

Sangmi Chai, Sanjukta Das, and H. Raghav Rao. 2011-2012. "Factors Affecting Bloggers' Knowledge Sharing: An Investigation Across Gender." Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 28, no. 3: 309-342.


Call for News


KrAIS 뉴스레터는 매년 2회 발행 예정입니다. 다음 뉴스레터(9월 예정)에 실릴 좋은 소식을 방민석 (mpang2@gmu.edu)로 보내주시면 감사드리겠습니다. 좋은 소식은 나눌수록 커집니다. 또한 뉴스레터에 대한 제안 또는 조언도 환영합니다.

이전글  ▲ 이전글이 없습니다.
다음글  ▼ 2013년 2호