

Message from the President

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Dear KrAIS members

Welcome to KrAIS!
KrAIS is the Korean Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS)), wwhich is “the premier professional association for individuals and organizations who lead the research, teaching, practice, and study of information systems worldwide.” KrAIS aims to promote the sharing and exchange of ideas, experiences, and knowledge among the members of Korean IS community. We are particularly interested in the training and development of PhD students and junior faculty members. Our main activities include providing forums for professional mentoring, paper development, sharing teaching practices, and networking, among others.

We would like to highlight the major initiatives of KrAIS during our two-year (2025-2026) term.

First, we will continue the Annual Post-ICIS KrAIS Research Workshops to be held in 2025 (Nashville, Tennessee, USA) and 2026 (Lisbon, Portugal). Since 2010, the Post-ICIS workshop has been a great venue for members to get early feedback on their research in a friendly and professional environment, network with peers and senior scholars, share excellent IS teaching practices, and receive job-market related know-how. Thanks to the strenuous efforts of previous executive team members and program co-chairs, the workshop has always been very well attended and received highly positive feedback from members.

In addition, we will continue the summer workshop (KrAIS Summer Workshop), which was started in 2023 based on the recommendations from the KrAIS 2.0 Task Force report and the feedbacks received from previous Post-ICIS KrAIS Research Workshops. The summer workshop is similar to the annual Post-ICIS workshop but further extends it to provide a venue for networking and collaboration between Korean IS scholars in Korea and those overseas as well as between industry and IS scholars. Furthermore, the workshop hosts a doctoral consortium that provides doctoral students and recent post-doctoral researchers with the chance to have in-depth discussions on their dissertations and various research topics and explore academic career paths with faculty members at different career stages. The 2025 KrAIS summer workshop will be held at the Busan Port International Exhibition & Convention Center (BPEX).

Besides these main initiatives, we will continue and expand our cooperation with other Korea research institutes, including KMIS (The Korea Society of Management Information Systems) and other IS organizations and university research centers. The Annual Post ICIS KrAIS Research Workshop is held in collaboration with KMIS and we plan to have a dedicated track for KrAIS members in the KMIS or other Korean IS Conferences. Further, many KrAIS members are involved in the operation of APJIS (Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems), a flagship journal of KMIS, which has recently been indexed in Scopus and ABDC. Those are examples of how two organizations are creating synergies based on their membership bases and we are planning to develop further opportunities for collaboration in 2025 and 2026.

Lastly, your voice is of utmost importance for the sustainability of KrAIS and we will do our best to listen to your opinions through diverse channels. This website provides a bulletin board system in which members can communicate with the board members of KrAIS. Apart from that, there is a Facebook page of KrAIS, and you can also send emails to our executive team members using the contact information below.

Byunggu Choi, Kookmin University, Co-President, h2choi@kookmin.ac.kr
YoungKi Park, George Washington University, Co-President, ykpark@gwu.edu
Sunghun Chung, George Washington University, Secretary, sunghun@gwu.edu
Jinyoung Min, Chung-Ang University, Treasurer, jymin@cau.ac.kr
Jiyong Park, University of Georgia, Communication, jiyong.park@uga.edu

Yours sincerely,

Byunggu Choi and YoungKi Park
Co-Presidents of KrAIS