

Past Workshops

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제목 2013 KrAIS Research Workshop
작성자 관리자 등록일시 2019-07-04 15:36:40

Post-ICIS 2013

LG CNS/KrAIS Workshop

December 18 (Wednesday), 2013

Bocconi University, Milan, Italy

KrAIS Co-Chairs:


Yongjin Kim, Sogang University


Youngjin Yoo, Temple University



Program Co-Chairs:


Kunsoo Han, McGill University


Habin Lee, Brunel University


Byung Joon Yoo, Seoul National University



Workshop Advisory Members:


Ho-Geun Lee, Yonsei University


Jae Kyu Lee, KAIST


Jung Pil Shim, Georgia State University


Organizing Committee: Review Committee:

Gee-Woo Bock, Sungkyunkwan University Byounggu Choi, Kookmin University

Youngbong Chang, Sungkyunkwan University Sunghun Chung, McGill University 

Jungpil Hahn, National University of Singapore Jahyun Goo, Florida Atlantic University 

Sang Pil Han, City University of Hong Kong Gwangjae Jung, Singapore Management 

Dan J. Kim, University of North Texas University 

Dongmin Kim, University of New Brunswick Keumseok Kang, Florida International


Hee-Woong Kim, Yonsei University Youngsoo Kim, Singapore Management


Seung-Hyun Kim, National University of Singapore Byungwan Koh, University of Calgary

Yongsuk Kim, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Young Kwark, University of


Dong-Gil Ko, University of Cincinnati Juhee Kwon, City University of Hong Kong 

Dongwon Lee, Korea University YoungOk Kwon, Sookmyung Women’s University

Sangyong Tom Lee, Hanyang University Dongjoo Lee, Hansung University 

Jae Yoon Moon, Korea University Gwanhoo Lee, American University 

Min-Seok Pang, George Mason University Kyung Young Lee, Bishop’s University 

Victoria Yoon, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Sanghee Lim, Johns Hopkins


Jeong-ha Oh, Georgia State University 

JaeHong Park, Kyung Hee University 

YoungKi Park, University of Akron 

Sung-Byung Yang, Ajou University 

Post-ICIS 2013 LG CNS/KrAIS Workshop Program

December 18 (Wednesday), 2013

Bocconi University, Milan, Italy

12:30 – 1:00

Registration and Refreshments

1:00 – 1:20

Opening Remarks (Prof. Yongjin Kim and Youngjin Yoo)

1:20 – 3:20

Parallel Paper Sessions

Session A: IT Adoption and Use

Session B: Social Media and Networks

Session C: Online Businesses and Consumer Behavior

Session D: Business Value of IT

Session E:Breakthrough Ideas (English)

3:20 – 3:40

Student Paper Awards & Best Paper Presentation

3:40 – 4:00

Coffee Break

4:00 – 5:30

Panel Discussion (Moderator: Prof. Byung Joon Yoo):

         How to network effectively (Prof. Dan J. Kim, Gwanhoo Lee, Jungpil Hahn)

         New areas/frontiers of IS research   (Prof. Chulmo Koo, Junghoon Moon, Youngjin Yoo)

5:30 – 5:45

KrAIS Business Meeting

5:45 – 5:50

Remarks from KMIS (Prof. Ho Geun Lee)

5:50 – 6:00

Closing Remarks (Prof. Yongjin Kim and Youngjin Yoo)

6:30 – 9:00

KrAIS Reception at Hana Restaurant


List of Papers by Session 

Session A: IT Adoption and Use

(Chair: Dan J. Kim)

A1.    A Study on the Different Influences of Trust on Loyalty by Risk Takers and Avoiders. Yujong Hwang

A2.    How Channel Choice and Service Failure Influence Customer Satisfaction: The Case of Public Services. Min-Seok Pang, Sunil Mithas and Henry C. Lucas

A3.    The Role of Media Influence in Energy Saving Device Adoption. Chulmo Koo, Namho Chung and Seung-Bae Park

A4.    Using Social Networking Services at Work and at Home: Motivation, Participation, and Performance. Mohammad Salehan, Dan J. Kim and Changsu Kim

A5.    Examining Customer’s Continuance Intention toward Mobile IM Service in China from the Perspectives of Interaction and Network Externalities. Weiyi Luo and Young-Chan Lee

A6.    A Diffusion of Innovations Approach to Investigate the Traceability System Adoption in Korean Ginseng Farm Industry.  Wooseok Park, Guhyun Jung, Cheul Rhee and Junghoon Moon

Session B: Social Media and Network

(Chair: Sangpil Han)

B1.     The Role of Message Content and Source User Identity on Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks. Insoo Son, Dongwon Lee and Youngkyu Kim

B2.     Does Crowdfunding Democratize Access to Capital? A Geographical Analysis. Keongtae Kim and 
Il-Horn Hann

B3.     The Role of Social Media in Healthcare Service. Heesook Yoo and Gee-Woo Bock

B4.     Analyzing Correlation between Human Gene-Disease for Chronic Diseases: Based on Social Network Analysis and Collaborative Filtering. Jaewon Choi, Ho Lee, Kyung Kyu Kim and 
Choong C. Lee

B5.     Self-Disclosure on Social Networking Services. Bitna Kim, Kyung-Shik Shin and Sangmi Chai

B6.     Social Media Opinion Mining Analysis by a BI Application and New Product Sales Performance: The Case of Instant Noodle Manufacturers in Korea. Cheolho Song, Seoyoun Lee, Ikhoon Jang and Young Chan Choe

Session C: Online Businesses and Consumer Behavior

(Chair: JaeHong Park)

C1.    An Analysis of Hit List Effects: Field Experiments in an Electronic Marketplace. Seongmin Jeon, Tongyo Han, Byungjoon Yoo, Jinsoo Park and Sangkyu Roh

C2.    Are Information-Rich Reviews Really Helpful? An Empirical Study of Online Product Reviews on Amazon.com. Ying Jin, Sung-Byung Yang and Kyung Young Lee


C3.    Dimensionality of Online Purchase Satisfaction: the Effect of Search-, Learning-, Decision-Satisfaction on Purchase Intention. Hyunjeong Kang

C4.    Do Product Descriptions Matter? Evidence from Mobile App Store Markets. Gunwoong Lee, 
Raghu Santanam and Sungho Park  

C5.    Perceived Vividness and Consumers’ Perception in e-Commercial Websites. Jiseob Park, 
Wooseok Park and Cheul Rhee

C6.    A Study on the Causal Relationship between Information on Stock Message Boards and Stock Trading Volumes. Hyunmo Kim, Hoyoung Yun, Ri So and Jaehong Park

Session D: Business Value of IT

(Chair: Seung-Hyun Kim)

D1.    Do IT Patents Matter For Firm Value? The Role of Innovation Orientation and Environmental Uncertainty. Sunghun Chung, Animesh Animesh, Kunsoo Han and Alain Pinsonneault

D2.    Understanding Absorptive Capacity and Ambidextrous Use of IT in Supply Chain Relationships.Won Jun Lee, Youn-Jung Kang and Gee-Woo Bock

D3.    HealthRecordMap: A Knowledge Networking System to Integrate Patient Health Records. 
Jongwoo Kim, Hirotoshi Takeda and Balasubramaniam Ramesh

D4.    Allocation of IT Investment Portfolio and the Performance of Mobile Office: the Moderating Role of IT Savvy. Sunggoo Yoo, Junghoon Moon, Youngchan Choe, Jongtae Lee and Minghao Huang

D5.    Exploration and Exploitation with Electronic Medical Record: Information Technology Enabled Organizational Learning in Healthcare. Jahyun Goo, C. Derrick Huang and Chulmo Koo

Session E: Breakthrough Ideas ( English session )

(Chair: Jungpil Hahn)

E1.     Relationship or Reputation: Choice of IT Outsourcing Partners in the Presence of Uncertainty.Jaeyoun Oh, Habin Lee and Moongil Yoon

E2.     Diagnosis and Prescription for Information Imbalance: Development and Verification of an Information Diet Index and Information Supplement Agent. Kil-Soo Suh,  Seongwon Lee, 
Un-Kon Lee, and Eung-Kyo Suh

E3.     Business Analytics Capabilities and Supply Chain Performance: A Relational Perspective. 
Chandra Subramaniam

E4.     Understanding Perceptions of Students Regarding Optional Bonus Assignments: Google Certifications as Optional Bonus Assignments. Dongmin Kim and Richard Cho

E5.     Software Diversity for Improved Network Security: Optimal Distribution of Software-Based Shared Vulnerabilities. Orcun Temizkan, Sungjune Park and Cem Saydam


이전글  ▲ 2012 KrAIS Research Workshop
다음글  ▼ 2014 KrAIS Research Workshop