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제목 Foreign Faculty Positions at SKKU
작성자 관리자 등록일시 2019-08-30 12:51:30


Foreign Faculty Positions at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) 

TheSKK Business School at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) is looking for foreignfaculty members in the Major of Management Information Systems. If there areany good candidates who are not Korean and looking for a job in Korea among PhDgraduates or prospective graduates at your school or institution, would youplease inform this opening and ask them to send a CV to Professor Jong-wook Kim(jkim@skku.edu)?


Thecandidates will be interviewed via Skype or at PACIS. As for the salary andsubsidies, please refer to the below:


1) Salary 

ResearchTrack Faculty:

-         Startingsalary: around 77,000,000 KRW/year (around US$ 66,000)

-         Theannual salary is determined by his/her previous educational background and thework experience on his/her CV, and can be adjusted when his/her certificationis reviewed. The annual salary will automatically be raised based on how manyyears he/she has worked.


TeachingTrack Faculty:

-         Annualteaching credit (24 credits): 75% of the above amount

-         Annualteaching credit (18 credits): 65% of the above amount

-         Annualteaching credit (12 credits): 55% of the above amount



-         Housingsubsidies: Up to 24,000,000 KRW per year based on the actual cost (up to 6years maximum)

-         Airfare:Up to 3,000,000 KRW based on the actual cost (only for the economyclass/once at the beginning of employment)

-         Movingexpenses: Up to 5,000,000 KRW based on the actual cost (once at thebeginning of employment)


Forfurther information, please contact Professor Jong-wook Kim (jkim@skku.edu).



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